
Add Users

Add Organisation Administrators and Organisation Technical Users. Enable access to platform at different levels and permissions.

For information on how to add Organisation Administrators, see the Delegate Organisation Administration article.


Add Domain Users


Select Roles > any role > Domain Users > New Domain User.


Fill in the details of the new Domain User.

Field Name

Field Description

Domain Name

Filled automatically.

An Authorisation Domain Role where the user is added.

Authorisation Domain Role

The role in which the user is being registered.

The role in which a domain user is assigned to does not impact the access that he has on NatWest Connect, being used solely for NatWest Connect SSO


Select the user system type.

You can find the reference for the systems provided out-of-the-box in the section below.

Contact (User) Role

Select the role for the user. See the description below.


Corporate user email where an invitation will be sent.

In Connect, users can be assigned roles that grant access to the directory, APIs, and other features. Available roles are defined by the Trust Framework configuration set by the Trust Framework Administrator of the ecosystem or federation.

In general, default roles like Primary Technical Contact (PTC) or Primary Business Contact (PBC) available within each ecosystem or federation are to give the users access to the Raidiam Connect platform. Other roles can enable Single Sign-On to various platforms within the ecosystem, such as the API metrics platform. To learn more about users and their roles, see the Users article.



Once you save, an invitation to set up account is sent to the provided email address.

User Management Using APIs

Raidiam Connect allows organisations to integrate with the following APIs for Organisation Administrator Management: