Trust Framework Setup

Get Started Setting Up Trust Framework

Configure Raidiam Connect's trust framework and all underlying components to enable secure data sharing between organizations. Set up reference data reflecting your federation structure and needs, onboard organizations, and more.


  • You contacted Raidiam and a new ecosystem was created for your governing organization.
  • You provided Raidiam with the Security Standard to be used in the Ecosystem, including the FAPI Profile Version and the Certificate Standard
  • You provided Raidiam with the Registration Framework of your choice: OAuth Dynamic Client Registration (DCR) or OpenID Federation.
  • You are a global administrator for the ecosystem you wish to set up.

Model the Trust Framework

To model the Trust Framework, you need to set up Reference Data -- customizable data sets used to make the platform reflect the different necessities of the federation.

For more information on how to reflect your ecosystem/federation needs, see the Modeling Ecosystems article.

Once set up, this data is broadcasted inside Raidiam Connect at the organization level and appears as options for a series of menus within the organization configuration.


Define the domains the federation supports, for example, Open Energy, Open Banking, or different. Establish the authorization domains that encapsulate specific areas of data or functionality within the ecosystem.


Set up permissions and access levels within the domain. This includes descriptions, access scopes, and any metadata that will enable API Communication for the institutions that have been granted the Role.


Add Authorities.

Add a regulatory authority in charge of one or more domains. These entities will provide the necessary access scopes for ecosystem functionality. Learn More about authorities here.

Onboard Organizations

Add Participants, which can act as both Data Providers and Data Receivers, to enable data sharing upon the end user's consent. During onboarding, organization administration will be delegated to the participant's employee team,

You can onboard organizations in the two following ways:

Delegate Organization Administration

Onboard organization administrators to delegate organization management further. Enable organization administrators to manage their organization metadata, and publish the organization's technical resources like authorization servers, APIs, and more.

Assign Authorisation Domains and Roles to Onboarded Organisations

Assign the authorisation domains and roles you added above to each onboarded organisation enabling their technical resources to integrate with each other.

For example, in a case when an organisation needs to be able to call the Centralized Directory APIs, you need to assign a role that gives this organisation the privileges to get an access token using the appropriate scope, grant type, and more.

Add Global Administrators

If your ecosystem needs more global administrators than you requested from Raidiam before setting up the ecosystem, you may add more admin users using Raidiam Connect APIs.

Next Steps


Set Up Certification Types.


Define the APIs the Data Providers can publish for Data Receivers to integrate with.


Define whether the authorization servers, client applications, or APIs, must be certified.

If yes, define what are the certifications required for each technical resource.