Manage Authorities
Add regulatory Authorities in charge of one or more authorisation domains. These entities define the necessary access scopes for the ecosystem functionality.
For more explanation on how to successfully model an ecosystem/federation to fully reflect its needs and requirements, see the Modeling Ecosystems article.
- Authorisation Domain available and configured within the platform. Add Authorisation Domain if there is not one available already.
- Access Token with Write Access and with the directory:website scope - if you want to create or manage an authority using Connect's APIs.
Select Reference Data > Authorities > New Authority.
Fill in the details of the regulatory authority you wish to create.
Field Name | Description |
Authority Name | The common name of the issuing authority |
Country | The country of domicile |
Authority Code | Unique code that represents an authority |
Authority URI | The URI of the authority |
Regulatory Authority details can be changed only using the Update Reference Authority API.
To view the details:
Select Reference Data > Authorities.
Select the authority from the list of available authorities.
Select Authority Details from the left navigation tree.
Mapping an authority to an authorisation domain makes it possible for organisations to include the authority information within the organisation application's Software Statement Assertion (SSA).
Select Reference Data > Authorities > Authority of your choice.
Select Authority - Authorisation Domain Mapping in the left navigation tree.
Provide the name of the Authorisation Domain or select one you wish to map to the authority and save.
You can disable a selected authority to authorisation domain mapping by selecting the Disable button (access forbidden sign) next to the mapping of your choice or by using the Deactivate Authority to Authorisation Domain Mapping API.
You can integrate with the following Raidiam Connect APIs in order to manage authorities: