Relevant Endpoints
Learn about all the relevant endpoints and their locations.
The Participants API Endpoint can be located under URLs that follow the convention:
For example, for the Sandbox environment the URL looks like the following:
The Participants UI can be located under the URL that follows the convention:
For example, for the Sandbox environment the URL looks like the following:
Optionally, you can find the Participants API and UI for your environment by selecting the Profile button and choosing Participants API or Participants UI like shown below:
The location of the Keystore with Raidiam's Public Keys for the particular environment can be found under the URLs following the convention:
For example, for the Sandbox environment it looks like the following:
The location of the roots.jwks files of the Certificate Issuers can be found under the URLs following the convention:
For example, for the Sandbox environment it looks like the following: