API Resources

Manage API Metadata

Associate additional information with API Resources published within the Centralized Directory. Include API-specific details like endpoints, status, and certification.

The API Metadata is a property related to an API Resource Family Type and can be enabled or disabled by Raidiam through the configuration of API Resources.

This provisory documentation will be updated once the API metadata feature is fully implemented on the Directory UI. It will allow the updates to be executed directly from the UI, avoiding interactions with the Directory APIs and Postman as showcased here.


Get and Edit API Metadata Using APIs

For illustrative purposes, Postman is used to retrieve (using GET) or edit (using PUT) API Metadata via Connect's APIs.


In Postman, go to Settings > Certificates > Add Certificate.


Add the .pem and .key file in the CRT File and KEY File fields respectively.

The .pem file can be downloaded from the directory (Organisation Certificates > Actions next to the certificate you wish to download > Download).

The .key file was created during the creation of the certificate. These must be kept safe and individual.

If you have no certificates available yet, obtain an organisation-level (server) certificate.


Add the Host of the ecosystem.

An example from Raidiam sandbox:


Save the certificate in Postman.


In Connect, navigate to the Organisation of your choice (which certificate you used in Postman).


Select Data Providers and a Data Provider (Authorisation Server) of your choice.


Select API Resources.


With your mouse, click the right button and select Inspect and choose the Network tab of the developer tools.

To load all the requests may require you to go back to Data Provider View and then click again on API Resources tab.


Click with the right button on the apiresources request and copy the request as cURL.


Import the cURL to Postman to generate a new request.


Copy the API Resource ID from the details of the API Resource in Connect.

You can find the API Resource Identifier in Data Providers > Chosen Provider > API Resources > Actions > View.


API Resources Identifier Example
API Resources Identifier


Add the copied API Resource ID to your cURL request's URL path along with /metadata.

Example: /your-api-resource-id/metadata


If you want to edit the API metadata through a PUT request, insert the raw JSON with the new metadata into the body of the request.


Send the request.