API Resources

Manage APIs for Discovery and Integration

Publish API resources for Data Receivers to discover and integrate with. Add all data and consent APIs resources, and more.


Publish APIs for Data Receivers to Discover


Select Data Providers and choose one of the available authorization servers for which you wish to publish the APIs.


Select API Resources > New API Resource.


Select the API Family Type available within your ecosystem and its Version.


Provide a Start date configuring when your APIs start to be available for the Data Receivers to integrate with.


Provide the Certification URI if required.

The requirement for providing the certification URI can behave in the two following ways:

  • If the ecosystem has the automatic API certification process available, the conformance tests run for the APIs.
  • If the ecosystem does not have the automatic API certification process available, you need to provide a valid certification URI serving as a proof that your APIs are implemented according to the required standard.

Select Save.

Add API Discovery Endpoints

Automatically discover the API resources required by the ecosystem or federation your organisation participates in. Define the base URL and all the endpoints are automatically added for you based on the requirements of the Trust Framework Governing Organisation.


Select Data Providers and choose one of the available authorisation servers for which you published the APIs.


Select API Resources > Add API Discovery Endpoints next to the APIs for which you want the discovery to happen -- + icon under the Actions column.

By adding API Discovery endpoints, you can provide a base URL for the API and the rest is automatically filled in according to the requirements for the given API that come from your trust framework. Such requirements are defined by the Trust Framework Administrator and their Data APIs profile.


Provide the API Base URL and API Version and Generate Endpoints.

Do not add a slash at the end of the base URL -- it is added automatically for you during the API Discovery. The API version is also automatically appended into the resulting API endpoint.

Document image


Select all of the available discovered APIs or select the ones you want to publish and save.

Remove API Resources


Select Data Providers and choose one of the available authorisation servers for which you published the APIs.


Select API Resources.


Select the Delete action next to the APIs you wish to remove (bin icon under the Actions column).

Manage API Resources Using APIs

Raidiam Connect allows organisations to integrate with the following APIs for API Resource Management:

You can also utilize the following APIs to discover and manage API endpoints: